Operations Data-Sharing
Discover why the industry is shifting closer to real-time data-sharing and more efficient workflows to accommodate today's market dynamics
Manual data reconciliation costs millions each year
FTP/SFTP file transfer and email sharing are challenging
ETL solutions complicate efficiency and increase risk

Download the report to learn why the use of legacy data-sharing methods are slowing workflows, imposing significant costs, and introducing risks
Key Takeaways
Reliance on FTP/SFTP and Email
Over half of data consumers still use Excel (64%) and FTP/SFTP (53%) for bulk trading and post-trade reports, with 75% of operations professionals at large firms finding FTP/SFTP to be unsatisfactory.

Periodic Batch Reports are Problematic
Over 90% of participants at large firms view periodic batch reports as problematic, impacting both operational efficiency and risk management.

Lack of Real-time Data is a Challenge
The absence of real-time data is a struggle, according to 75% of data consumers. When given the choice, 125% more participants would opt to receive trading or post-trade reports in real time versus once per day.